Results from GOTHIC simulations of International Standard Problem 43
(Reference: NEA/CSNI/R(2000)22, ISP-43: Rapid Boron Dilution Transient
Experiment, Comparison Report, OECD/CSNI Report). These experiments represent
transport and mixing of un-borated fluid in the downcomer and lower plenum
regions following the actuation of a pump. The experiments were conducted at
the University of Maryland in a 2x4 thermal hydraulic loop that is
representative of a ~1/5 scale model of the Babcock and Wilcox (B&W) plant.
Cold water injection in one of the cold legs was used to represent un-borated
fluid and the response due to downcomer mixing was captured using 265
thermocouples. The animation shows the temperature distribution calculated by
GOTHIC. The results of this benchmark validate GOTHIC's ability to predict
boron transport and mixing, including the transition in flow pattern for
momentum versus buoyancy driven mixing scenarios.