Numerical Advisory Solutions


Need help with our software? The primary contact for each of our software products is listed below. We look forward to hearing from you.

Software Contact Phone
GOTHIC Jeff Lane (919) 903-6763
RETRAN Mike Howard (208) 419-4012
VIPRE Mike Howard (208) 419-4012
PROTO-Series Jane Connelly (860) 405-3048
RADTRAD-NAI Pam Richardson (208) 419-4004


Looking for more information about our Analysis Division and how we can support you? Please contact any of the following individuals. We look forward to hearing from you.

Contact Phone
Jim Harrell (919) 465-7230 x307651
Anita Gates (919) 465-7230 x307664
Jeff Lane (919) 903-6763
Scott Ingalls (860) 405-3152
Mike Howard (208) 419-4012