Numerical Advisory Solutions
RETRAN Meetings

RETRAN-3D MOD005.0 Now Available

RETRAN-3D MOD005.0 is now available. It is supported on Linux and Windows platforms. RETRAN-3D User Group members can request RETRAN-3D MOD005.0 by contacting Pam Richardson.

RETRAN-02 MOD005.3.1 Now Available

An updated version of RETRAN-02 is available to RETRAN User Group members. This new version is designated as MOD005.3.1 and contains corrections to errors that have been reported since the release of MOD005.2, several that were unresolved when MOD005.2 was released, and several that were reported for MOD005.3. It contains modifications mod_405 through mod_421, with the exception of modification mod_412. Modification mod_412 was an attempt at resolving trouble report 444, which was resolved as a model limitation rather than an error. Modification mod_419 resolves trouble report 460, which was reported to RETRAN-02 users as an indeterminate error in compliance with 10CFR21.21(b).

The RETRAN-02 MOD005.3.1 transmittal supports installation on IBM AIX workstations, Linux workstations (Redhat) and Windows based PCs. The PC executable is a 32-bit application that requires use of a license file provided with the transmittal.

The transmittal CD-ROM includes an automated installation script, documentation, sample problem input and output files, and script and sample problem baseline information for use in testing new RETRAN-02 installations. If you would like to obtain this new version of RETRAN-02, contact Mike Howard.

Utility Enhances RETRAN-02 Trip Summary

NAS has developed a simple utility that generates an enhanced RETRAN-02 Trip Summary. This utility uses the AWK program and can be downloaded as a zip file which contains a how-to text file and the AWK script.

Newsletter Contributions

We are interested in receiving short notes (1-2 paragraphs) summarizing the general RETRAN activities at various utilities that could be included in future newsletters. A RETRAN mouse pad will be given to the author of each of these summaries. We also encourage contributions about specific items. These would typically be about one page (two columns) in size, and would address a particular analysis or application of the program, discuss topical reports, and similar topics. Individuals contributing these articles will receive a RETRAN polo shirt as well as a mouse pad. Contact Pam Richardson with questions about Newsletter contributions.

RETRAN-3D Design Review Report

The main sections of the Summary Report for the RETRAN-3D Design Review are available for reading from the RETRAN web site. This is an "uncontrolled" version of the actual report, and does not include the details associated with the review from the report appendices. Those wishing to receive a complete copy of the report may request one from Pam Richardson.

RETRAN Progress Reports

Annual progress reports are provided to the RETRAN User Group. This report presents a summary of the work performed for the RETRAN User Group (RUG) code maintenance and development work.